WAIT! Back up the train! I missed something!
Ok, i know i said that i would tell you about the peas and the milk, but that story's going to have to wait a bit. Here's why. My mother's memory is distinctly better than my own, and i had forgotten when i had first met my aunts and uncle and grandma in Michigan. We went to Michigan for vacation a year -ish- before we moved there. And that's when i met my cousin, Robin. Robin is one year older than me, and we were like best friends the moment we met. For part of our trip, Mom, and Dad, and i, and Robin -- i can't remember if Robin's family stayed there or nearby-- stayed at Aunt Clara's house. This Aunt Clara is actually Great Aunt Clara. The distinction is important because there's my Aunt Clara who is my dad's sister, and then there's the Aunt Clara who is my dad's aunt and my grandmother's sister. Both of them are great, but only the older one gets to actually have it in her title of who she is. So anyway, Great Aunt Clara and ...