
Showing posts from May, 2007

WAIT! Back up the train! I missed something!

Ok, i know i said that i would tell you about the peas and the milk, but that story's going to have to wait a bit. Here's why. My mother's memory is distinctly better than my own, and i had forgotten when i had first met my aunts and uncle and grandma in Michigan. We went to Michigan for vacation a year -ish- before we moved there. And that's when i met my cousin, Robin. Robin is one year older than me, and we were like best friends the moment we met. For part of our trip, Mom, and Dad, and i, and Robin -- i can't remember if Robin's family stayed there or nearby-- stayed at Aunt Clara's house. This Aunt Clara is actually Great Aunt Clara. The distinction is important because there's my Aunt Clara who is my dad's sister, and then there's the Aunt Clara who is my dad's aunt and my grandmother's sister. Both of them are great, but only the older one gets to actually have it in her title of who she is. So anyway, Great Aunt Clara and ...

Fairview, Michigan (1) -- Move #5

If you click on the link, you'll see a current map of the thriving metroplex of Fairview Michigan. Now, if you don't recall, you may also want to go to the archives of this blog and click on the blog labeled "Daddy." This will give you a little bit of background info on the city of Fairview, where my dad was born and raised. As i said, i was in the second grade when we moved to Michigan. It was really great because i got to meet a lot of my family that i had never met before. My grandma, two uncles, one aunt, and 2 great aunts lived there or a within a couple hours drive from us. And i had cousins and second cousins and third was crazy! When i registered for school, i even found out that my TEACHER was my cousin! It was also very different because Fairview is a dairy farming town. And Dad's 2nd cousin, Ray, was a dairy farmer. So when we needed milk, we took 2 big one gallon glass jars, and we went to the farm, and we walked out to the pl...

River of Life

Well, the time in Houston was really quite an adventure. I think it was the first time that my dad was the senior pastor of a church. At that time, we were affiliated with an organization called FGEA - Full Gospel Evangelistic Association. It's not a religion, just an association of full gospel churches. Anyway, Dad became the pastor of a church called Satsuma Chapel. When we first moved there, we lived in the parsonage, which was a well used mobile home. I'm not sure how long it had been since someone had lived there, but we didn't have bed frames at first, but we had three mattresses. Mom and Dad slept on one mattress, and i slept on the other two. The reason for that was to keep me higher off of the floor and further away from the rats and roaches. DISCLAIMER: I HAVE VERY GOOD AND VERY CLEAN PARENTS. THIS WAS A TEMPORARY SITUATION. CPS DID NOT NEED TO BE CALLED. Anyway, this was just us following God, and sometimes you have to trust God in less than favorable c...

some cute pics from when we lived in New Mexico

This is me and my mom and dad. I'm actually not sure if this is in New Mexico, but i'm pretty sure it was. Aren't we cute!? This is me with my Morfar and Mormor when they came to visit. =) This is me all dressed up in my dad's hat/glasses/and boots. This is one of my faves. =) I don't remember much about New Mexico. I was pretty little. I think this was where/when my mom and dad started to get into the ministry. I remember that we didn't have much food (not from my memory but from what my dad told me), and that God would miraculously supply us with all of our needs. Isn't He good!

some corrections to the previous post

I got an email from my mom about some of the details that i apparently don't remember correctly. This is for those of you who are keeping a detailed timeline--and also for posterity's sake. When i was six months old, which would've been March 1976, we moved to Houston from Chicago. We stayed in Houston until i was two and then moved to Grants, New Mexico. Stayed there about a year and moved to Seattle, Washington. Then when i was 4 1/2 (which was 1980, not 1979, as i said in my original post), we moved back to Houston. My friend from Jamaica who i told you about was Kerry. She lived with her younger cousin Cathy and their grandmother. Good memories!