There are things that happened in Round Rock, but by the next school year, we were relocated - a development i expect i was quite pleased about. This new move was to a little unincorporated town in the southeast corner of Kansas, named Melrose. I went to Greenlawn Elementary school, the population of which added up to somewhere around 50 students, kindergarten through 6th grade. I remember one day we gathered together to watch Old Yeller, and i'm pretty sure we had everyone except the kindergarteners all in one classroom, quite comfortably. Definitely my #1 favorite memory from Melrose is my friend, Hannah. Hannah was a Sunday School teacher at the church where my dad pastored. The first time i met Hannah, she didn't tell me her name. She walked up to me, shook my hand, and said, "Hi, i'm 14." The reason for this is that Hannah really appeared to be much older that she was, and in her nervousness about meeting someone new, she was preoccupied with making sur...