not a new year's resolution
I've been quite overweight for a long time. That's not a secret. At some point, i decided it was o.k. because i was not gaining. I wore the same size, weighed the same weight, i thought i had reasonable physical ability, and i definitely didn't want to do the lose weight - gain weight - lose weight - gain weight thing, so i just kept doing things the way i was doing them. Recently, i noticed that i am now gaining weight - rapidly. And suddenly, i had new light. Also, since i have been blessed with the privilege of not working outside the home, i really have no excuse in the exercise department. So, i'm instituting some resolute habit changes....exercise - calorie restriction - and so forth. Also - another peek into the mind of me - in the past i have had a hard time focusing on my body without losing focus spiritually. That's another reason i haven't done anything about my weight: i would rather be an overweight Christian than a skinny sinner. So this time...