
Showing posts from August, 2009

What do i want to change about healthcare?

What do I want to change about healthcare? Surprisingly (perhaps) I have a pretty short answer for this one. Of all the possible complaints and difficulties any American might have concerning how he or she receives healthcare in this country, my biggest problem is the seemingly overwhelming assumption that the federal government should be the entity from whom a solution must come. There seem to be about a thousand rumors circling as to what the new hypothethical healthcare bill may entail. There are some ideas I don't have a big problem with. There are other ideas I feel I would nearly give my life to protest. But with all of the prospective policies, I have one problem: that the federal government of the United States would institute them. ***** The portion you have just read was the entirety of my submission for SixPerspectives this week. Be sure to check out that blog for the other perspectives and join in the discussion. Here, i will share more. You can call me a lunatic ...

Viking Pools

This is no expose or anything. I received this advertisement in the mail today from Viking Pools , whom i have no reason to suspect is anything but a completely upstanding corporation. Simply, the image on the cover made me laugh. A little misleading, perhaps? Getting a pool from Viking Pools or anyone else probably won't make your back yard ever look exactly - or remotely in the same universe - like this cover. But nice imagery, Viking Pools. And good for a laugh.

SixPerspectives Topic: Do you give money to the homeless guy?

Each week, SixPerspectives has a new topic for discussion, and i often have the pleasure and privilege of sharing my perspective for the weekly submission. I have a hard time keeping my opinion to the preferred 150 word limit, so i have decided to expound here. Please check out SixPerspectives and read the other 5 responses submitted on this topic. Topic: Do you give money to the homeless guy? Well, I guess I have to ask, “which homeless guy?” I don't have an absolute answer to this one. As a Christian, I have a barrage of scriptures and scriptural principles banging around in my head, ”. . . do unto others . . .,” “. . . be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove . . .,” “. . . give to him to asks . . .,” “. . . be a good steward of the Lord's money . . .,” and so forth. As a human being, I recognize that “the homeless guy” may or may not actually be homeless, may be about to spend my money on liquor or drugs, may be homeless by choice (those who choose to withdraw from s...

Look what my chicken did!!!!!!

I have been concerned about my chicken. She has been singing the "i laid an egg song" for a solid month, but i never could find the eggs. I knew it was possible that she hadn't started laying, but i really thought she probably was.....somewhere. Then today, i was waiting for James to get home from the store so we could go see his dad, and i went outside to look at the chicken but couldn't find her. So i went searching, and i found her huddled up behind some plants next to the side of the house. At first i thought she was sick or injured or something. And so i tried to pick her up, and she kind of stood up, and then i felt them.....EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i kept sticking my hand back down there and kept coming up with more eggs. SEVEN in all! Which means she's probably been laying for at least a week. At least i think that's what it means. She h...

today and yesterday and other days and years and stuff

Yesterday was my dear mother's birthday. I wasn't feeling as prolific, so she didn't get the then normal holiday honorary blog. I will just say that my affectionate feelings for my mother are deep waters that can't always be expressed, and i am very happy she was born and continues to live. This year (yesterday) when i called my mother to say Happy Birthday, i was especially conscious of the great blessing that she is because i was also in the presence of my little neighbor friend who lost his mother shortly after he turned only six years old. More than 2 1/2 years later, he still sometimes becomes sad, and when you ask him what's wrong, he says, "oh i was just missing my mom...." I'm pretty sure i would be too. A good and loving (and living) mother is a bundle of very great blessings (and rare these days), and i consider myself to be blessed abundantly, and without proper expression, in that regard. ************ Yesterday is also the 5 year annive...