what you think that i think that you think that i think that you think of me....or something like that
I hesitated to write this post. I don't want you to think less of me. What i want is for you to believe that i am the perfect homemaker and that my home is, although unfinished, perfectly spotless. I also want you to believe that my yard is always in perfect order, and although my animals relieve themselves wherever they wish, it simply does not ever stink. These things are not true. Why do i want you to believe these things? Because some part of my brain thinks that the rest of you have it all together all the time, and you won't understand that i don't.....i don't have half of it together most of the time. But i do try. Then i have to realize...i have to plug in some logic to my otherwise not necessarily so logical mind..... and realize that probably, you don't have it all together either. No offense. Just sayin'. I'm sure some of you have it all perfectly down. But you're probably not having as much fun as i am if you do. Haha...