Maybe a Little More Solemnity With All These Hot Dogs
I like holidays. I do. I like seeing family and enjoying good food and the celebration of being alive and so forth and whatnot. And i like it even more because i know that God likes celebration. Every time you turn around in the Bible, God is designating another holiday. He's cool like that. Thing is, i think we do too much celebrating and not enough consideration of why we're celebrating. God's model for celebration often starts with fasting -- then feasting. The fasting time, for getting your heart in the right place and realizing what it is you celebrate, and so on. I find it interesting that the two American holidays which mark the deaths of those who gave their lives for our freedom, are taken the most casually, often with hamburgers and hot dogs and swimming pools, but rarely with any consideration for what it is we often fail to hold dear. Our freedom. I heard a speech by a man i'd never heard of, this week. His name is Dennis Prager ...