Grandma's diaries and the identity of a marriage

I am the happy current possessor of my late grandmother's journals. They were passed around the family for ten years or so before they got to me. But now i have them. And i love them. Journals are neat to read because you get to know that person's individual writing style/thinking style while you're reading. Grandma's journals start in the late 70s. She's not a big talker. She doesn't go on and on about her thoughts. She mostly makes a record of the weather, where she went that day, who she saw, and sometimes gives a one or two word commentary about how she enjoyed that day. Grandma's entries are so short that a 5x7 inch page usually has 4 days worth of entries on it - and sometimes as many as 8! I noticed something interesting in Grandma's writing that i later realized i recognized from the familial jargon of her children (my aunts, uncles and dad). It's has to do with identifying a married couple by one name. ...