Recovery /bleeding-heart --d005135-daniel-dempster.html Step one. I may have mentioned at some point in time about my church situation here in small town, Texas. I was a part of a smallish non-denominational start-up for about three years, until November of last year, when at Sunday morning service, it was announced that this particular group of believers would no longer meet. I don't want to go into all the details, but this was pretty jolting for me. Jolting enough that this daughter of a preacher man hasn't been in a church building since...not because i now hold a grudge or thing that churches are bad or any of that. Because i was wounded, and i needed time to heal. I think it is a misconception to think that trusting God to help you forgive requires that you are not allowed to experience the hurt that comes with being wounded. I was and am wounded; i completely forgive those who wounded me; AND it still hurts anyway;...