
Showing posts from May, 2015

Parable of the Umbrella

This is a picture of my beautiful niece, Rachel, after she learned to catch a chicken. Warning to my grammar enthusiast friends: this post is  infected with run-on sentences and sentence fragments.  I saw them, and i'm leaving them there.  Because today, the content is more important than the structure.  Please enjoy. As anyone who lives in East Texas can tell you, a working air conditioner in one's vehicle is a very high priority, especially for anyone who commutes any distance to work each day.  About a year ago, the air conditioner in my car, or rather the fan that makes the air from the air conditioner (or ever so rarely, the heater) blow out of the vents, and into the atmosphere of my vehicle, began to falter.  It took on a temperamental maybe-i-will-and-maybe-i-won't kind of attitude, which i found extremely frustrating.   Even more frustrating, was the strange fact that my husband could get in the car, put his hand on the vent (i'm am ...