My Favorite Story
We are spoiled. Modern Americans. When someone tells us a story, we need drama and mayhem and action and suspense and every detail of emotion laid out for us, so we can feel it. But the writers of the books of the Bible, were most often not novelists...or playwrights. So some of the things we read in the Bible are a little bit more like reading a report, a history book. And because of this, it's easy for us to gloss over extremely dramatic scenes in the Bible. Scenes filled with mayhem and suspense and action. We have to kind of work to really see the scenes that are described. Even Hollywood, when portraying Jesus, has almost always gotten it very wrong, making Jesus look so serious and boring and unfeeling...a portrayal which seems to me to be completely impossible for someone who did the things Jesus is reported to have done. An unfeeling person couldn't have pulled this stuff off. There is a very very short story in Luke, which does...