
Showing posts from March, 2016

It's Monday! And i'm a mealworm farmer!

Ta-da! Here they are!  My actual mealworms, possibly a bit larger than actual size, depending on your resolution. I picked up my mealworm farm starter kit this morning, kept the little guys (and girls) with me at my desk all day (don't tell my co-workers), and even took them with me to Bible study, where i used them for my own little show and tell.  Finally, i'm home, and so are they. I was a little concerned that handling these guys would kind of creep me out, but it turns out, they're not that creepy. No.  Really. Anyway, it's late.  I REALLY need to go to bed.  But i will leave you with this. A loose paraphrase of Luke 9:51ish through 54ish. Recently, the disciples had been given power by Jesus to heal sick people and to rid them of demons, and they had been out practicing, per Jesus' instructions.  But now they're back together, and Jesus has decided to go on a journey, and the disciples are with him.  While on the journey, Jesus is...

Automatic Chicken Door!

In the life of every chicken keeper is the daily chore of opening and closing the chicken door, the tiny chicken size door on the back of the chicken coop, that lets the chickens out into the chicken yard.  In my particular case, this also includes walking into the chicken coop (usually in my work clothes), bending down underneath the nest boxes, and prying out the piece of wood which is wedging the door in place, and then wedging it differently to keep the door open. The placement of the door is important because the nest boxes have a slanted top.  This was supposed to keep the chickens from hanging out up there, but apparently the slant isn't severe enough to disuade them, and they hang out up there anyway.   And anywhere chickens hang out, chickens poop. Anywhere. This is important because chicken poop sometimes doesn't stay where it's dropped off, especially if it's dropped off on a slanted surface, and then gravity takes over and if there happens to...

I'm going to be a mealworm farmer on Monday!

I know what you're thinking......ew. But what i'm thinking is LIVE CHICKEN FOOD! I'm also thinking cheaper chicken food.  Yay cheaper! If things go well, i might also be able to make a little side money, selling mealworms to bait shops or something like that.  But that's getting a little ahead of myself.   I've been reading about mealworm farming for a while.  I joined a mealworm farming facebook group, so i could read other people talk about mealworm farming.  I asked questions, looked at pictures, asked questions about methods about  And then yesterday, i finally worked up the nerve to order my first mealworm farm starter kit.  Yes, that's a real thing.  And yes, i had to work up the nerve.  It's because i hate the feeling i get when i start a new project without the necessary inspiration to see it through.  But i think springtime has hit me now, and i'm finally ready. And excited. Enough about worms.  F...