
Showing posts from January, 2009

A Puppy

We've been flirting with the idea of getting a dog for a while. Living out in the country, it seems like a really good idea, specifically because everyone else out here has a dog....or three, it appears, and they seem to go for group jaunts through the neighborhood pilfering what they can from other people's (our) yards. But we weren't sure, and we tossed the idea around and hemmed and hawed, and then a week or so ago, we got a little more serious, and i started looking online for a good guard puppy. We thought we would rather get a puppy so that Stanley (the kitten) would have a better chance of becoming friends with the new guy or girl. Yesterday or the day before, i found an ad online for free puppies that were lab and who knows what mixed. One of the example puppies looked like this. And here's the mom. I thought they were really beautiful. The mama is reportedly 60-70 lbs and an excellent watch dog. So today after having some family over until early in the af...

Catching Up

About church: This past sunday, I woke up feeling either sick or depressed or possibly both. At any rate, I did not go to church. Instead, I yelled at my husband and went back to bed. I later repented of my yelling ways, apologized to my very understanding, kind, and wonderful husband, and improved my attitude. Oh, also on Saturday, I had a big day planned with my very good friend, Meredith, and I skipped women's group for friend time, which was quite nice. I am, however expecting my copy of Tim Storey's “My Utmost,” by mail any day now. I hope to return to women's group this Saturday, but my hopes may be further postponed, since my husband's mother and step-dad may be visiting from Houston. My plan (If the Lord wills) for this Sunday is to visit the same church again but to go to another church afterward. The first church usually lets out by 10 or 10:15, so I have plenty of time to take in another service. The second time that I went was nice. The man preaching...

About that other entry i deleted...

Thanks to all of you who left comments about my questions! I really really appreciate the input. A couple of things for an update: While i was in church last Sunday, i already felt like i should come back one more time. Also, in listening to God about the weird newcomer's situation, i felt like it would be wise to have a personal conversation with someone in leadership, instead of writing to who knows who reads those. I have someone in mind, but i'm not ready to talk yet. Although, part of me seriously suggested that i stay home this morning, i instead, attended women's group. I enjoyed it a lot. And i really really liked the women there. There were ten women, ranging in age from 23 to 60-something. They've just started going through a book together. It's Utmost Living, by Tim Storey. I am now trying to buy the book on ebay. The chapter we read today was about matching your purpose, passion, and priorities. It really really spoke to me and helped me. One...

Tearing Down the House

This is a picture of the little red house that sits next to the house i live in. I am told that the family we bought this house from actually lived in the little red house sometime way back in the 70s - with their kids! It's amazing! You can't tell it from the picture, but the roof is caved in, which makes it difficult and expensive to get home owners insurance. We would've torn it down right away except that it is hooked up to our electricity - on our house - the one we live in. And when James tried to disconnect it, he discovered that the screws that would make that possible were rusted tight. Yesterday, that all changed. James' friend from work came over after work, with tools, and they disconnected the electricity and caved in the front wall of the little red house. I think that's a very interesting after work activity for men. "Hey guys! Wanna go over to James' house and tear down a building? Yeah!" Anyway, today i began the job of tearin...

about what we call "death"

i read this on someone else's blog today, and i didn't want to forget it, so i decided to share it here. obviously it's a little bit more complicated, but this is a great metaphor....specifically for those of us who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Once upon a time, twin boys were conceived in the same womb. Weeks passed and the twins developed. As their awareness grew, they laughed for joy, “isn’t it great that we were conceived? Isn’t it great to be alive?” Together the twins explored their world. When they found their mother’s cord that gave them life, they sang for joy, “how great is our Mother’s love, that she shares her own life with us!” As weeks stretched into months, the twins noticed how much each was changing. “what does it mean?” asked the one. “It means that our stay in this world is drawing to an end, said the other. “But I don’t want to go”, said the other, “but maybe there is life after birth.” But how can there be?” responded the other one. “We will...