A Puppy
We've been flirting with the idea of getting a dog for a while. Living out in the country, it seems like a really good idea, specifically because everyone else out here has a dog....or three, it appears, and they seem to go for group jaunts through the neighborhood pilfering what they can from other people's (our) yards. But we weren't sure, and we tossed the idea around and hemmed and hawed, and then a week or so ago, we got a little more serious, and i started looking online for a good guard puppy. We thought we would rather get a puppy so that Stanley (the kitten) would have a better chance of becoming friends with the new guy or girl. Yesterday or the day before, i found an ad online for free puppies that were lab and who knows what mixed. One of the example puppies looked like this. And here's the mom. I thought they were really beautiful. The mama is reportedly 60-70 lbs and an excellent watch dog. So today after having some family over until early in the af...