
Showing posts from February, 2009


A couple of days ago, with the help of the wonderful html genius, Jessica, i completed an almost complete remodel of my other blog . I'm really excited about my remodel, and i would like to know what you think about it. As part of my remodel, i installed a great little internet toy that tells me when people visit my blogs. Well, a few of you have visited this blog, and i imagine, were greatly disappointed that no new post existed - but none of you visited the other blog that i have been working so hard on. Now i've mentioned before that the subject matter on that other blog isn't everyone's cup of tea, but just this once, will you please just look? I'm really kind of proud of it, and i'm hoping to get better at writing about such (to some of you) distasteful matters, and to try to reach a bigger and unfamiliar audience, so i would really love to have the feedback of my friends. And by friends, i mean you, those who read my personal blogs and and say nice t...


i would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His mercy endures forever. unless we simply ignore the world around us, it can sometimes be easy to get a little down - or a maybe a lot down. but if we look to the Lord and remember His goodness, we can be sure that His goodness is bigger than the world's badness. or if you prefer, "greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world." because most of us are so earth-bound, so to speak, it's easy to read God's Word through a subconscious filter composed of our circumstances and what we know in our minds to be true of the concrete, human world around us. but we must remember that God's Word is the only true Truth. therefore, we must instead take note of our circumstances and what we know in our minds to be true of the concrete, human world around us through a conscious filter composed of the truth of the Word of God. He sees what we cannot see. and He loves us. and He s...

The Truth About Polar Bears

An advertisement has appeared on television lately, for an organization called WWF. WWF stands for World Wildlife Fund . In the commercial i speak of, actor Noah Wyle, very dramatically informs the viewer that polar bears are starving and dying off so quickly, because of "climate change," that "if we don't act now, most will die in our children's lifetime." If you haven't seen it, you can view a very similar video here . I'm just as big a fan of the beautiful and magnificent polar bear as the next guy, but the information in this commercial didn't quite jive with my knowledge of climate change. And i've never even been to any part of the world that might ever have any knowledge of the existence of polar bears were it not for television, national geographic, and the zoo. So i started doing some research. And i would like to pass my research on to you. Even among those who believe in global warming, the U.S. Senate of all people, cites n...

Today's Church Review

The categories are appearance, greeting, music, sermon, after-the-sermon and over all response. Well, this is the church i tried to attend last week but couldn't find. A former high school classmate of ours goes to the church, and i am connected to him on myspace. So, during the week, i inquired, and he advised, and it turned out we simply hadn't driven far enough. So today, we drove far enough, but we still didn't find it. So we drove another 1/2 mile past "far enough" and then turned around. I was just about to burst into tears over not finding the same church two weeks in a row and doubting whether my husband would be willing to venture after this seemingly non-existent church for a 3rd week in a row, when "hey, there it is!" whew! Appearance Category: It's easy to miss because of some really beautiful Japanese Maples that line the front of the church property. My husband missed the place again when he came to pick me up. But the church was...

oh funny?

Tonight was the outing i spoke of a couple days ago, you know, to go to the comedy club. Well, we had decided we weren't going to go just because the expenses didn't really fit into our budget right now, but when James told his friend we weren't going, friend was visibly disappointed and offered to help out financially. So we went. thoughts: this couple is younger than us than we realized before; friend's wife and i didn't get to talk very much, but at least now we can recognize each others' faces; i had a little eye-opening into possibly "normal" thoughts of "regular" people; our hosts seemed a little disappointed when i didn't order alcoholic drinks, and i thought that their disappointment was a strange response. as to the comedy: there were 3 comics there to make us laugh. the first one was funny enough and almost clean; the second one quite a bit funnier but with unexpected bursts of objectionable content; the headliner was not tha...

ramble ramble

here i go again writing just because i need to write and having no idea what to say. i have some political things spinning around in my head. if you ever want to read those, they're on . I put them over there because not everybody wants to read about political stuff, and not everybody wants to read my personal ramblings. james has had to go to work early every day this week, and for some wonderful reason, i have easily waken up with him every day except monday. i have had a very good week. i have listened to one recorded message which was very good. and i have spent more time in prayer than i have in a very long time. those are signs of breakthrough, i think. on the flip side, for all of my wakefulness, i have had a horrible time getting anything done. today, i went in my bedroom at least three times, with the intent that i would pick up some dirty clothes on the floor, and every time came out having done something else - but not picke...

Sneaky Cookie

Have you seen the commercials for the Smart Cookie? It's a weight loss aid advertised on television. According to the commercial, it's a little like SlimFast, but with a twist; you get to eat a cookie instead of drinking a shake. Also, the commercial says that you could save $1200 a year in groceries by eating the Smart Cookie instead. Wow! I am of the portly variety, and i want a cookie, so i pulled up the website to see if the hoopla was something i would like to get involved in. So here's my expose: First of all, a four week supply of Smart Cookies is $279.00. Right now, you get a fifth week free. You judge for yourself, but i don't eat $279.00 in groceries for breakfast and lunch each month. But o.k. people have different budgets...what else? Well, here's the plan: You eat 6 cookies throughout the day. This is to help you develop the good habit of eating multiple small meals through the day instead of binging, etc. And then for the evening meal, you e...

not an essay

i think i need to write more. sometimes writing isn't just my venue for speaking; it's also my venue for thinking. and i know i'm not completely crazy on that count because i remember reading/knowing that the essay is a means of writing to solve a problem. i identify with having an unsolved problem at the beginning of a writing, but at the end of the "writing" having solved the problem. i don't know if i have a problem per say, so i won't call this an essay, per say. i think that when i don't write, i don't fully process - it's kind of like dreaming. when i don't write, i have a harder time staying/getting up the next day. or more accurately to my experience, since i haven't been doing much writing, i have an easier time staying/getting up when i have written. sometimes, however, i can exercise the part of my brain that puts things in order, and that has a similar function for settling things in my mind - you know like, i can put t...

Good Grief!

This morning, i decided to try a different church here in Coldspring. I've been there before, and i thought i knew right where to go, and i assumed they probably started around 10:30, so we planned to leave about 10. And we went where i believed the church to be located, and there was nothing. We drove and drove and tried other roads, but it wasn't there either. Then i came home and looked it up, and according to google, it's exactly where i thought it was, but alas, no church. Good grief! I've sent a myspace message to someone i know who goes there, asking for directions. I feel kind of like a dummy now. And i'm all dressed up with no place to go. Bleh.

i don't have to title this if i don't want to

Let's see... Puppies: Samson was later named Charlie. Barney remains named Barney. Barney is growing a little faster than Charlie, and James thinks he might have a little Chow influence in his genes. Both are lovable and cute and always hungry. The other day, when we went to town, they decided to try out the middle of the street for a new play area, so we're working on that. Oh! And Stanley thinks that the dogs are his brothers. They all three play together just like siblings, and the nap together too. That's working out very well. I credit God, who hears my desires, even the ones i think won't matter to him - like how my pets get along. On other things, spring is coming, and many of our trees are budding up. I can't wait to see what they become and how the place looks in the spring time. We are starting to make some progress toward getting our garden started, and i am very excited about that. I'll feel a little more like i'm earning my keep aft...

Why This is Bad

I haven't written in this blog for a while...because i sometimes find it difficult to reflect upon the politics of the day without getting a little too riled up. So i have avoided speaking, except to my husband and the t.v., of course, about political concerns and responses to the news of the day. Today, i would like to explain why i believe that what the federal government is involved in is wrong. I have heard or read support for various objectionable federal actions explained by saying that "we shouldn't let people just suffer," or "it's the Christian thing to do." I agree with both statements. Americans, people, Christians, should not sit by and allow the suffering of their neighbors and countrymen if it is within their power to prevent it. That said, the forefathers of our American heritage were very wise men. The more i learn and read, the more i am impressed with the amazing wisdom and foresight of the passionate men who founded the United Sta...