Recently, i wrote an on-line review for a local business (the best barbecue ever), and today when my husband went there to buy dinner, they gave us some of it for free as thanks for the great review! I was so pleased and happy that i had just gotten paid for my writing for the first time ever, and i imagined, for a moment, being a professional critic. Then i remembered Anton Ego 's words, and his monologue about the worthlessness of his profession (yes, i realize this is a cartoon character), and i thought maybe that's not the road for me. And plus, i don't think it counts if the businesses you review PAY you. Haha. Just so we're clear, these people weren't paying me. I didn't write the review because i expected something. I just wrote the review because it was true. Just so we're clear. Anyway, with completely unrelated motivations, i remembered a magazine i would like to plug. A dear friend of mine from college, Joy Moore, is Cop...