My New Farmer's Scar - and other unflattering photographs

This first picture was taken directly after the chicken incident.  For some reason, i thought i should go give the chickens some more food right before bedtime.  It was late enough in the day that they had already started roosting in the coop.  My oldest chickens roost way up in the rafters of the little coop, and when they saw me with food, they started coming down.  Chickens are not graceful, but usually they avoid me - or maybe they just coincidentally miss my head - but today.  Today, one of my hens came out of the rafters, slammed full force plus gravity into the side of my head, and then scraped a stripe down the side of my face while she plummeted to the ground.  And she left this reminder on my face.  Honestly, i'm surprised it's this nice.  When i walked, dazed, out of the coop, i was pretty sure i was bleeding.

Earlier, in the day, i took my new lawnmower on its maiden voyage around a tiny piece of the yard.  James was trying to get a picture but wasn't satisfied because i kept moving.  It ended up looking like a little movie to me, so i'm going to share.  Farmer pants, fuzzy pink socks, and everything.  (Haha!  I was contacted today about being part of an "online fashion group."  Clearly, these people haven't seen my farmer pants!)

If you scroll through these pictures fairly quickly, you can watch me make the circle.

As you can see, we really need to mow.  And now, my mower is gassed and ready for an early morning work-out.  I'm very excited.


  1. ouch!!!! are you okay?? what do you do for a hen scratch????

  2. Oh, Beth, I am so sorry!! That must have really hurt!!!

  3. I'm fine. Apparently it's not very noticeable. I've seen a lot more people today than normal, and no one seemed to notice. It should be gone by the end of the week. Though the impact still has my neck a little out of whack. ;)

  4. Hi Lucy!

    Thank you so much for letting me know you're reading! It's exciting for me to have some idea who's reading my blog.



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