Gifting by use of Heritage Skills
A heritage skill that i have been given by my mother and grandmother is crochet, and i am very grateful for it. I love having it. In addition to having a great (and cheap) hobby for relaxation, crocheting is a great source of homemade and often very appreciated gifts. Not to mention, again, cheap. Right now, my crocheting hobby is very cheap. Over the past two years, i have accumulated an entire chest full of free yarn. Two different people gifted me with entire trash bags filled with old, unused a friend, and one a freecycle member. This makes it very easy for me to give inexpensive, unique, heartfelt, hand made gifts that cost me nothing but my heart, thoughts, and labor. A labor i love. This weekend, i had a one-year old's birthday party to attend. While i love this particular one-year-old, i had a hard time deciding what i should give him for a gift. One-year-olds are tricky like that. I started looking and cam...