
Showing posts from July, 2011

When it Rains, it pours

and sometimes it just sprinkles. Two weekends ago i had a housefire.   Is that right?  I think that's right. It has been a long two weeks, so it seems like a few months ago. Well, what i didn't tell you is that while our house was trying not to burn to the ground, my husband's truck was in the shop, finding out that it would cost us $1800 to fix a $500 truck's transmission.  And in the haze of a sleepless night fighting fire, my husband sold it the next day to a mechanic who thought it was worth the $500 we paid for it.  Not such a bad idea, just interesting timing. Plus, we have two cars for a reason. Well, i think it was Wednesday of the following week . . . yes, that's right.  We had barely gotten back into our newly cleaned-by-strangers house, when my sweet little car started overheating for no apparent reason.  Well, nothing apparent, except for the mysterious leak taking place nowhere near the radiator -- except for that. So, this pas...

I'm an Oak.

Are you as particular as i am? There are a lot of things in my life that i have learned to just let be. I've learned to relax about someone's socks on the floor. I've learned to look the other way when perfectly intelligent people misspell words i'm sure they should've learned in the second grade. I've even learned that if your house burns down, it isn't necessarily the end of the earth as you know it. I mean, i think i have become a pretty flexible person, all things considered. Today, i and my fire-fighting-super-hero got to move back into our slightly charred house. The cleaning salesman   fellow who makes a living by contracting folks to clean charred houses, walked through our house with us and had us sign papers saying it was clean and that we approve of his getting paid.  And i have to say that we were fully impressed.  I mean, really.  Reportedly there were something like ten people in my 700 square foot house, just whirring away, cleaning ...

a kitten a candle and getting happy about laundry

Right now, i'm sitting on a hotel room bed, next to my loving man, enjoying some microwave popcorn, while watching reruns on tv waiting for our laundry to dry. I have been hesitating to write this post, both because it's kind of a pain to write a decent post from a cell phone, and because those of you who have read the archives of this blog -- or who know me outside of blogland may roll their eyes in disbelief and boredom at the repetetive plotline rearing its head in this story of my life: We, my husband and i, have now experienced and survived our fifth fire. Our fourth house fire. To be fair, fire 4 was less of a house fire and more just flaming plastic raining from the bathroom ceiling, but it remains that fire, in whatever form, has played an unusually themy (as in predominate theme) in the story of our marriage thus far. This time there was apparently a lit candle in a window sill, near a trash can full of toilet paper. Presumably there was also a kitten playing i...

this is where the title goes.

This is a test. This only a test.

I love the way He holds me.

Today is Monday.  And it started out pretty good. I got plenty of sleep, woke up on time, remembered to eat breakfast, drink coffee, and read my Bible, sadly, in that order.  I had great hair, even better make-up, and i got started early enough that i had time to pick up chocolate for the girls at the office (it's always a good idea to keep chocolate on hand with 60 women in one office).  Today was gonna be great!  I EVEN called in to my radio station on the way to work and said something funny that was aired on the morning show.  How great is that!? I was all set to have a productive, successful day. But then. At some point, not long after 8:00 a.m., the entire downtown area experienced a power outage.  That's not such a big deal, right?  The courthouse generators roared up to a 1/4 power or so, and some of us were still able to use our computers, and the copy machines would pretend to make copies, but couldn't muster enough electricity to act...

A Dream Within a Dream

There are many musings in my mind today.  We will see if i can wrangle any of them in to something worth reading. ". . . Marriage, that blessed arrangement, that dream within a dream . . . Love, true love, will follow you forever. . . " (quote from "The Princess Bride," minus the pronunciation changes)  Sadly, i don't know too many people who think so positively about marriage these days.  It seems like the most complicated situation in anyone's life.  So much so that only something like 50% of people who marry stay married, and of those, well, i haven't heard any actual stats on happy marriages. . . but i have encountered people, and so have you, so we can probably infer some conclusion from our experiences. ". . . a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh." Ephesians 5:31   When i first got married, it was absolute bliss, right up until we both had to go back to work and life a...

Running Over

This morning, during my lunch break, i attempted to post to this blog and tell you a nice story, from my new groovy phone.  Sadly, just when i was about to be ready to hit "send," i pushed the back space key too hard, and i lost my entire post.  Sadly, there's no "un-do" button on my phone. Lesson learned. I'm going to attempt now to recreate the post i wrote earlier, but since i'm not in the moment anymore, i'll need you to imagine this post to be just a little more moving than it actually will be, just to make up for the lost time. In any event, my post started with this picture: I'm not sure if you can tell what this is a picture of, so i'll have to tell you about it. Several years ago, before we became wanna-be-farmers, my crafty self picked up the somewhat short-lived hobby of beading and jewelry-making.  I made simple custom jewelry to match my outfits for work.  I felt crafty, and it saved me some money.  Near the end of my personal...

Grateful Acknowledgments

"When we view the blessings with which our country has been favored, those which we now enjoy, and the means which we possess of handing them down unimpaired to our latest posterity, our attention is irresistibly drawn to the source from whence they flow. Let us then, unite in offering our most grateful acknowledgments for these blessings to the Divine Author of All Good." ~James Monroe I agree. Happy Independence Day!
This is Columbo, my semi- new kitten friend.
Learning Today i'm learning how to do this mobile blogging business. Please bear with me. :)