Humble Challenge - The Fourth Tuesday - Re-evaluations
It's almost the end of January. And i'm ex haust ed. Someone i greatly respect said that it's good to evaluate your goals and revamp midstream. O.k., that's not even close to a direct quote, but it's the basic idea, in my words, sort of. In any event. I am coming to face the fact that i have only a certain number of hours in the day. More importantly, i have realized that the accomplishment of my goals are not accomplishing my goals. I want to be closer to Jesus, and i want to be a better person, a better servant, a better wife, a better.....whatever. But right now, i've been working so hard to accomplish my goals....that my house is a mess, and my normal organization is going just a little too far out the window. I DO want to interrupt my normal routine, but not so much that i undo my previous improvements. SO i'm taking a step back and doing something that really hurts my feelings. I'm going to back off of my New Years non-resolution...