not a mom, but maybe amazing
Before i say anything, i want to say that what i am about to say is not meant to be a slight or an insult toward anyone in the whole world. Here goes... Today is Mother's Day. I have always loved Mother's Day because it is a great time for me to give special shout-outs to one of my absolute favorite people in the universe, my mom. The impact that my mom has had on my life is profound. But i'll get all gushy and snotty nosed if i go into that right now, so i'll forego for the time being. In recent years, Mother's Day has taken on a throbbing pain sort of element for me, as i am advancing on my mid-forties and am childless, and as my husband's mother has gone from this life to the next. But this is about me, not her. Not right now anyway. Really wonderful, nice, kind, people don't want you to feel left out about anything. So when you're not actually a mom, and Mother's Day rolls around, and they want to be able to tell you, "Happy...