chapter 5......the second fire

When we moved into our house (no money down), it happened at almost the same time that someone else sold us a car (no money down). It was incredible! The Buick LeSabre we had gotten from my parents was pretty much at its end, and we needed something else...and somebody james worked with for a little while sold it to us with a payment agreement which would total $1500.00. We were very impressed with God's provision for us.

I can't remember the dates exactly...i think (if i remember correctly) that we had one payment left to pay off our car. It was a beige/off white color oldsmobile 1998. We liked it, and it got us where we were going. 8).......and it didn't have a busted fender like the buick. 8)

If i have my time lines lined up correctly, James was beginning to try to yield to the Lord again, and things were going pretty well. Well, anyway, our habit was that James would drop me off at the courthouse for work and pick me up in the evening. One morning, as we were merrily sailing to work, we were almost there; we were just turning the corner next to City Hall when the engine started it was on fire.....because it WAS on fire!

We were thankfully short walking distance from my work, and also happened to pull in exactly in front of the office used by the Conroe Fire Department. Immediately, several men in red polos rushed out of the building with fire extinguishers in hand and took care of our problem....ok, well, not exactly. They put the fire out and said nice things to us.

I'm told that you don't really fix an engine that has caught on fire. I don't really know. But the first thing that ran through my husband's mind was that we didn't have a car anymore, and we really didn't have money to buy one, and WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something nice is that the Lord had worked peace in me. I was standing there next to our burning car, and i wasn't the least bit worried, and i was kind of aggravated at my husband because he thought this seemed to be an emergency! 8) heee heee

It's neat how the Lord can help us see things from His point of view.

Anyway, i went to work and made a phone call. And that nice lady i talked about earlier, Brenda, came and picked up my husband. and helped him find someone to get rid of the car and her husband, Don, took James a couple days later to buy another car...the seller was a friend of Don and Brenda, and he allowed James to buy the car based on Don's assurance that and personal guarantee of James. I think that's one of the coolest things anyone has done for us.

But mostly, this was another moment of crisis in which the Lord showed us that HE is our provider. period.

and oh how beautiful it is when the family of God is just that.

Someone told me that the chinese character for the word crisis made of two characters, one that means danger, and another that means opportunity. cool. huh?


  1. Hi Beth!
    I didn't know you had a blog until last week when you said on Jess' that you had posted.

    I just caught up & read them all!! It's great getting to know you more.. I had been thinking.. I'd enjoyed being around you at Mere's bridal shower & at Denny's in Oct. '05.. that you're one of Mere's closest friends.. and I hardly know you yet.. so this is really nice to get to read. Thanks for sharing.

    I might add some stories from my life at some point, yet with preparing for our baby, my mind hasn't felt in the mood for coming up with how to write or feel like currently sharing.. aaaand then of course, once the baby is here, it'll be awhile before that also.
    ; ) grin

    I noticed the comment you put on mine awhile back.. it took me awhile to see, sorry. I replied back to it- I think last week or so? Thanks for visiting mine too!

    God loves being involved with us.. it amazes me how He guides & teaches & is so merciful.. makes me picture Him holding us in His hands & being a gatekeeper of what comes into our lives.. & what does not come in.

    I'm so glad you & Servant 987.. are getting closer & closer to God too! It was really enjoyable seeing you both last Oct.

    See you for Monopoly soon.. if baby hasn't arrived!! : )

    Do you still live in same apt. as Jere & Mere? If so, that's cool you get to live close.

    That will be fun for you to see them become an uncle & aunt.

    The pic of your niece & nephew is VERY cute!

    Later.. w/ joy*

  2. more, more!!!! you are inspiring to write OUR story down...... TWENTY FIVE YEARS??? how could i ever get it all down??? (since i 'm such a long-winded writer!!!)

    i'm glad to be getting to know you guys.......

    you are special and loved......


  3. Beth,

    You are such an inspiration to me. You deal with circumstances in your life with such grace. I know that it is God's grace and a testimony to His power.


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