Today, i went to church #2 that i told you about. I think i've decided that that's where i'm going to stay. The church is called City of God Worship Center. Next Sunday, they celebrate their 3rd year in existence.
It's a smallish congregation, but they're close to my home, and they're obviously desiring the move of God in their church and in this community. And they're working hard to make it happen and going out on limbs in faith to allow God to use them.
It's easy for me to go in to a place like that and start critiquing, so i asked God to help me find what area He wants me to be used in....and to keep my critiques to myself.
That's all today.
It's a smallish congregation, but they're close to my home, and they're obviously desiring the move of God in their church and in this community. And they're working hard to make it happen and going out on limbs in faith to allow God to use them.
It's easy for me to go in to a place like that and start critiquing, so i asked God to help me find what area He wants me to be used in....and to keep my critiques to myself.
That's all today.
Thats awesome lol we both wrote about the church we attended to and it seems god answered you just like he answered things ive been asking lol....thats wonderful. i want to come see you soon let me know what would be good for you....
ReplyDeleteI love you abunch