Ridiculous Ads for $100 Please

If you use Facebook, you may have noticed a vertical row of advertisements on the right hand column of your profile page that can be very entertaining. If you're not a Facebook user, please keep reading, i'll fill you in.

Here's one of those ads: The heading reads "Women Born in 70s Look 25". First of all, i take issue with that particular phenomenon being very miraculous, but let me know how this works for you. When i click on this link i learn about a middle-aged woman named Cara, who used to have wrinkles. Cara was 43 years old (NOT born in the 70s) when she stumbled upon a miracle cure for aging and wrinkles, blah, blah, blah. The most interesting thing about Cara is that she just happens to live in Coldspring, Texas. Can you believe it? I live in Coldspring, Texas!

I have to admit that if i lived in say, Houston, or Spring, or The Woodlands, i would probably not have thought much about some random woman who discovered the fountain of youth coincidentally living in the same city as me; and had i been born in the 50s instead of the 70s, and i didn't have my mother's wonderful young-looking genes, i might've bought into Cara's miracle cure.

Oh but there's one other thing. It turns out that Cathy Anselmo lives in Coldspring too, and Cathy has discovered teeth whitening success. My goodness, Coldspring is just brimming with up and coming beauty experts! Maybe i should look up Cathy and Cara and get their advice. Maybe i'll become an expert too.

One problem though, i remember reading about Cathy once before, only she lived in Livingston then. Because of something having to do with my phone company, i know that my isp sometimes reflects that i live in other small towns nearby. One of those is Livingston. I wonder where Cathy will live tomorrow?

So i hope you'll click on my links and tell me if Cathy and Cara also live in your neck of the woods. I have a hunch that there are a lot of Cathy's and Caras to go around.

And one more thing, i wonder why the advertisers think that i'll believe the rest of their ad when they tell a bold-faced and completely unnecessary lie in the first few lines. What do you think?

EDITED 5/5/2009 TO ADD: For further information about similar scams, see new post.


  1. Cara Anderson lives in Kansas City, MO. I read it on the internet, so I know it's true.

  2. I beg to differ my friends ~
    they both live in Conroe!!! Busy folks eh?

  3. Hi Beth, just open the following text file to see how to change hypertext color, thanks.


  4. You are all wrong.

    They both live in Syracuse, NY.

  5. Cathy Anselmo lives in Yantis, Texas. It's a very small town...and I've never heard of her before!

  6. The ad I saw for teeth whitening success said her name was Cathy Anderson in Gambrills, MD which is one town over from mine. Sounds like you are onto something with the convenient city locations.

  7. yup...cathy also lives in omaha nebraska...what do you know

  8. No... Cathy lives in Sugar Land, Tx... LOL Wow... she really moves around a lot! :))

  9. no guys. she now lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. duh =\

  10. Hey, you're all wrong. Cathy lives in Girard OH where I work!
    Are any of you as sick of looking at peoples teeth and gums as I am?

  11. Yeah Cathy lives in Orlando also... it makes me so angry that people are falling for these ads. My roommate tried one before she realized what was happening. The blindsided her with bogus charges to her account, $75, $14, $4.95 etc. It was a nightmare! How can we stop these people from essentially stealing peoples money and lying to our faces??

  12. She lives in Littleton, CO here, lol. So we ordered the free teeth whitening kits and suppose to pay for S&H, we have now been charged for both, I have gotten one of them removed, working on the other. The names of the whitening kits also changes, it isnt the same 2 kits everyday.

  13. More follow up on these scams in a new post: http://veritableobservations.blogspot.com/2009/05/rip-offs-for-16790-and-countinglets.html

  14. Cathy's moved to Fairfield, Pa now:) Have teeth will travel.

  15. Cathy's in Champaign, Illinois now! Damn internet...

  16. Understandably, Cathy has made up some money with this scam. Her current whereabouts is here in Barcelona, Spain. I saw her ad in my Hotmail account.

    Now I know where Woody Allen got those white teeth...

  17. well now she lives in the small border town of del rio, tx.....LOL

  18. actually kathy lives in kansas city, ks where i live
    so does the acai berry lady, and some lady that makes $7000 a month

  19. Her name is Cathy Anderson and she lives in Pocatello, ID. near me!

  20. its pretty obvious theyre not from your area as where it says theyre from on the websites is bolded - indicating that it changes.
    plus why whould a pop up add take you to a personal blog (the teeth one)
    nobody cares enough about the genreal populus to spend money out of pocket to run a website url and to advertise on sites like facebook to help people whiten their teeth for free


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