Me and My PEA PICKIN' Hat!

Incidentally, it is also my pear pickin' hat, my blueberry pickin' hat, my fishin' hat, my campin' hat, and my when-in-doubt-and-it's-going-to-be-sunny-and-sweaty hat.

I think it's very funny looking, but it does the job wonderfully, and when i realized today that i have a pea-pickin' hat, it made me laugh, so i made James take this picture.  Honestly, i just asked him, and he kindly obliged.  Semantics. 

I know i'm silly.  Isn't that why you read?

Oh, and here are the peas.

This an 18-gallon tote.  You might remember it from the pear-pickin' day.

Hubby and i had the grand wisdom to pick these peas in possibly the hottest part of the day.

About the time we were leaving was probably the time when we should've been coming.  It was crazy hot and sweaty, and my pea-pickin' hat did its job in a big way.

Thankfully, i am being refreshed by a wonderful drink.  After i canned a couple quarts of peaches today, i had some peachy juice left over, and i used it to sweeten my tea.  Yes, that's amazingly wonderful.

As soon as we got home from pea-pickin', we were called away to get more free stuff, which we did gratefully and with much leftover stinky sweat.  Dinner was being cooked at 8:30, and now in a minute, i will go put away the leftovers.  I'm afraid i haven't the energy to actually clean the kitchen this evening.  That will  have to be what i do when i get home from VBS tomorrow.  That's all there is to it.

It's already 9:30, and this girl needs her beauty sleep......and a shower.

I will leave you with a couple of pictures that are fairly old but that i just managed to load to my computer.


This is our first "big" harvest.  Haha!  That's basil in the vase.

A close-up of cucumbers and peppers.

Getting artistic with the cucumber.

And to all a good night!


  1. I love you pea-pickin hat!!! very cute!!!

    Jere is cleaning the kitchen for me right now ~ he is so wonderful1!! I just can't seem to get it done these days!!! Wonder why!!

    I love you!!!!

  2. I'm loving the vase! and of course your blog and you hat but especially the vase as the yellow and orange are really highlighted by the beuatiful green.


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