winding down and winding up

Today was my last day at Vacation Bible School for this year.

I had a great time.

The event is set up like so:

All the kids meet in the auditorium every morning, where they are kept busy with skits, films, Bible stories, praise and worship, and ridiculous games.  After they've nearly been worn out, the children older than five get to choose between several different elective classes.  Each child can choose a different elective each day.

My job was to teach the elective cooking class.

What a hoot!

I had quite a blast!  Ironically, there were lots of boys in my class and very few girls.  That ratio fluctuated day by day, but 3 out of four days i had 10-12 students, mostly boys.

On Monday, we made fruit and yogurt smoothies; Tuesday was Caterpillar Biscuits; Wednesday, Banana Pops; and today, Granola on a Stick.  As much as was possible, the kids got to create their own dishes, with choices of toppings and ingredients and plenty of opportunity to make a big mess and get your hands covered in ingredients.  What fun!

I had a great time, and i'm glad i'm done.  There's no cooking class scheduled for tomorrow, so i asked the day off so i could try to catch up at home before we start another busy weekend, at the end of which we'll be even more exhausted.

Which brings me to this:  i better stop writing and go get something done around here.

Our belated Father's Day shindig tomorrow, requires the presentation of a requested fresh peach cobbler.  I guess i better get to slicing some peaches.


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