This is the weirdest week. It's like it didn't even happen. On Saturday morning, i helped with childcare for a special meeting at my church. On Sunday morning, i helped with childcare for a regular meeting at my church. On Monday morning, i had jury duty, which took up about as much of my time as if i had gone to church. By Monday evening, i was feeling funny and sniffling a little, after which i went into a fog of head-achey, sniffly, coughing, fevery, sleepy discomfort, from which i awoke this morning. I also missed church on Wednesday - and thus, choir practice . About an hour ago, i realized that tomorrow is Friday. Can i get my week back anyone? I think i missed it. Updates from before and during the fog: Jury Duty : I was not picked to serve on this case, and i was thankful for God's mercy because this was a case the details of which i would have very much wished to forget. I was doubly thankful when i got sick - that i was not sick and i...