My New Etsy Store

I've been hinting around about it, and today, i finally opened up my Etsy shop online.

Well, i'm open in that Etsy will officially allow me to get paid to sell stuff through their site.  I'm less open in that there isn't anything on my virtual shelves.  But i'm working on that.

I did put up a cute little banner with pictures of things i've made in the past, and i wrote a little welcome note.

And then i started working on my first item to go on the shelf.  I'll be sure to show it to you when it's finished.

I really don't know what i'm doing.  There's really a lot more to Etsy than initially meets in the eye, and i've been studying it all week.

Hopefully, one day soon, i will be an Etsy millionaire, or hundredaire, or something.

One stitch at a time.

Like i said, the "shelves" are empty, but if it interests you, check out my Etsy and tell me what you think.  I'm totally open to advice.

Or not.


  1. Gonna be great! I know there's nothing "on your shelves" yet but I'd like to place an order. (never bought anything off etsy before) I love, love, love those potholders! Would you be able to make me a set in black or barn red or a combination of those colors?

  2. Beautiful work Beth-good for you. I am sure you will do great with you new shop. I will be back :)


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