Dejected Pajamas and Unreasonable Antiques

About spending Saturdays in pajamas . . .

Hubby had a long overdue eye appointment today.

And i was going into town to pick out glasses for my own eyes.

That would be a good time to do some shopping.

And then i was reminded about the county garage sale at the fair grounds . . .

You see where this is going, right?

We went into town early to check out the group garage salers' wares at the fair grounds. More about that in a minute. After we filled our car to the brim with other people's former stuff, we got some quick fast food snacks and checked out the eye doctor.

The eye doctor did the eye doctor's thing, and we did the pick out your glasses thing, blah blah blah.

Then we caught a movie and a cheap dinner, and headed for home.

The grocery store was skipped because we managed to leave our grocery list on the refrigerator, where it does the most good.

Before we made it home, we stopped to deliver garage sale gift wares to the in-laws, and hubby helped shave a dog (come on, i had to say that; how often to you get to tell people that "shave a dog" is in your daily list of have-dones?). Then we had to pass up home and go to the grocery store so we could have dinner. We made it home at 8pm-ish. Hubby managed to whip up a fantastic nachos (yes, this is our health food day) dinner in a very short period of time, and now that it's time to go to bed, we have eaten dinner, and everything is better.

This was my pajama-wearing restful Saturday, if you recall.

I've got to stop that! I'm exhausted!

My day's not quite over though. In a minute, hubby and i, now actually in our pajamas, plus sneakers, are going to go outside and rescue the bargain-possibly-antique table from the back seat of my 96 honda two door civic. How did we get this much larger than the opening table into the back seat of my car? I'm not sure i can explain that. However, i am happy to announce that neither the table nor my car (to my knowledge) was harmed in the writing of this blog . . . or the transport of said table.

A few minutes later . . .

The table is now in my house, undergoing a thorough photo shoot.

Why did we buy a table for our already quite-full-enough-thankyou house? Well, we loved it. And it came at  an unreasonable price. Unreasonable, in that the gentleman who allowed us to walk away with his table required a probably, unreasonably small amount of money in exchange for the privilege.

Yay us. At least we think so.

Since we aren't exactly antiques experts, we can't be sure, but hubby is very familiar with the crafts of wood and has seen a lot of good signs that this particular piece is old and hand made.

I'm having visions of appearing on Antiques Roadshow and having someone tell me that my table would bring $75,000 at auction, or something REALLY unreasonable like that. O.k. $7500 will be enough.

 In the meantime, it lives here 'cause we really like it.  And because it miraculously fit in the back seat.


  1. What a very fun table!

  2. I like the table!! sounds like a BUSY pj day!! Hope it was great!!! In other news, I decided against doing the garage sale this weekend ~ just not ready and have a baby to feed every 2 hours and all . . . you understand.

    Happy week!! I love you!! Lunch on Friday??

  3. I love this table. Good Find.


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