My friend Kris, wrote a post some day recently about Honor . And then she asked her readers to share a time when they witnessed honorable action, the display of integrity. Well, i've had this thought for a post in my idea book for severalish weeks now, so i thought i would share it. And it will double as a response to Kris' request for stories about Honor. The names and details in the following story may be changed to protect anonymity. I work in the District Clerk's office of some random Texan county. The District Clerk has many duties, and among these duties is the responsibility to collect money (fines, fees, court costs) from convicted felons. Generally, as i understand it, these felons, who are either released from prison or on probation, or some such situation of trying to hopefully get their lives in order, are placed often on a payment plan which requires them to come to our office on a regular basis to make their payments. When these fo...