To the Dads

One of the things that is good for me about going to the laundromat to do my laundry is that it forces me to have some limited contact with complete strangers - something i don't really do naturally.  But i have to have clean clothes, so ... complete strangers it is.

Something that always warms my heart is when i see young dads at the laundromat with their kids, taking care of business.  Family business.

I don't think young men - or even old men - really really understand how meaningful it is for a child to have that man in their life, respecting the importance of their daily life, dealing with the laundry, or the whatever, and caring for their kids.

I don't have a lot of words on this tonight, but i just want to say.  Way to go, dads.  Way to go, lifting up your kids.  Way to go, letting them know that their thoughts and experiences are important to you.  Way to go, being being gentle and caring and firm.  Way to go, being all the things that God made dads to be.

Thank you, and please don't give up.

Your investment in things that may seem mundane and inconsequential, has lifelong impact on your kids.  Your simply listening to them tell you about whatever they have to think about, instills in them that they have value.  It teaches them that their thoughts and ideas matter.  Your gentle discipline teaches them that they are worth your time and that you care enough about them to be interested in the value of their actions.  The lifelong value of your investment is priceless.  Everyone who ever meets them benefits from your investment.

Again, thank you and don't give up.


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